Uso de Água - Sumário GRI
Water use - GRI Summary
All water withdrawn by Klabin goes through the right-to-use granting progress and, consequently, consideration by the competent environmental agency about the volume/flow requested. Studies on water availability are conducted to obtain the authorization to withdraw water. Furthermore, all effluents discharged into bodies of water or third-party sources are treated inside Klabin's plants and disposed of in compliance with the parameters of environmental legislation and authorizations. In some cases, studies of water dispersion and self-depuration of rivers are carried out in order to prove that the effluents released do not negatively impact the receiving bodies.
Objectives and goals
Klabin's objectives and goals aim not only to comply with existing public policies, but also to improve the availability and quality of water for the community. Besides seeking to expand the initiatives related to water security in the locations where it operates, Klabin has targets for reducing specific water consumption in its industrial plants and for expanding hydrosolidarity management in its forestry units, providing optimization in the use of this resource and improving water availability in the regions where it operates.
Unit | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | ||||||||||
Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Total areas | Areas of water stress | ||
Surface water withdrawn | ML | 118,862.87 | 686.68 | 124,347.07 | 121,783.25 | 1,165.40 | 124,347,071.71 | 114,167.09 | 1,170.98 | 113,803.72 | 105,636.97 | 838.07 | 109.417,256 | 1,110.84 | 109,133.548 | 955.86 |
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) | ML | 118,862.87 | 686.68 | - | 121,783.25 | 1,165.40 | - | 114,167.09 | 1,170.98 | - | 105,636.97 | 838.07 | 109.417,256 | 1,110.84 | 109,133.55 | 955.86 |
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Groundwater withdrawn | ML | 301.14 | 185.14 | - | 203.53 | 132.13 | - | 190.14 | 110.41 | 114.15 | 124.19 | 64.43 | 118,8752 | 69.00 | 110.63 | 20.64 |
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) | ML | 301.14 | 185.14 | - | 203.53 | 132.13 | - | 190.14 | 110.41 | - | 124.19 | 64.43 | 118,8752 | 69.00 | 110.63 | 20.64 |
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Third-party water withdrawn | ML | 204.47 | 38.14 | - | 292.78 | 82.83 | - | 267.16 | 65.02 | 228.29 | 218.04 | 26.37 | 174,6258 | 21.57 | 169.34 | - |
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) | ML | 204.47 | 38.14 | - | 292.78 | 82.83 | - | 267.16 | 65.02 | - | 218.04 | 26.37 | 174,6258 | 21.57 | 169.34 | - |
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total | ML | 119,368.48 | 909.97 | - | 122,279.56 | 1,380.35 | - | 114,624.39 | 1,346.41 | 114,146.16 | 105,979.19 | 928.86 | 109.710,7573 | 1,201.42 | 109,413.52 | 976.50 |
7% | 3% | 8% | 45% | 0,4% |
The volume of water withdrawn in 2021 was 7% higher than in 2021. This occurred mainly due to the expansion of the Puma unit (with the installation of the new paper machine, MP27).
In water-stressed areas, the total volume of water withdrawn in 2022 was 3% higher than the total volume in 2021. One of the factors that contributed to this increase was the execution of internal works and the installation of new equipment to improve processes in these units. However, even with the increase of water withdrawn, there was a greater optimization of its use, since, in 2022, the amount of water discharged showed an increase of 10% in relation to the water withdrawn.
Unit | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | ||||||||
Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | ||
Disposal of surface water | ML | 103,385.40 | 459.96 | 103,309.25 | 103,011.88 | 808.30 | 104,452,996.70 | 95,044.92 | 640.37 | - | 89,584.70 | 503.16 |
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) | ML | 103,385.40 | 459.96 | - | 103,011.88 | 808.30 | - | 95,044.92 | 640.37 | - | 89,584.70 | 503.16 |
Disposal to the extraction source with quality equal to or greater than withdrawal | ML | 103,385.40 | 459.96 | - | 103,011.88 | 808.30 | - | 95,044.92 | 640.37 | - | - | - |
Other types of disposal | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Disposal of third-party water | ML | 125.03 | 25.68 | - | 139.56 | 36.82 | - | 188.05 | 44.55 | - | 174.89 | 29.62 |
Freshwater (total dissolved solids ≤1,000 mg/L) | ML | 125.03 | 25.68 | - | 139.56 | 36.82 | - | 188.05 | 44.55 | - | 174.89 | 29.62 |
Other types of water (total dissolved solids >1,000 mg/L) | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total | ML | 103,510.42 | 485.64 | - | 103,151.44 | 845.12 | - | 95,232.97 | 684.92 | 94,073.27 | 89,759.58 | 532.79 |
O volume de água descartada, em 2023, foi 0,35% maior do que o volume em 2022, devido à conclusão dos processos de expansão (PUMA II - Fase II) e início das operações na planta, que garante uma eficiência maior em comparação às operações já implementadas. Nas áreas de estresse hídrico, o volume total de água descartada, em 2023, foi 43% menor do que o volume total de 2022. Isso, principalmente, relacionado às reduções de operações de reciclados
Number of cases in which the analyzed substances were outside the parameters
Unit | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | |
Total parameters analyzed | n° | 83 | 83 | 246.0 | 186.0 |
Considered outside parameters | n° | - | - | - | - |
Flow rate, temperature, pH, COD, BOD, sedimentable solids, SST, sulfides, phosphorus, ammoniacal nitrogen, mineral and vegetable oils and greases, adding a total of 12 parameters applied to all units according to relevance criteria, sendo estes parâmetros mínimos de todas as unidades, atendendo à legislação Federal. Além desses, são analisados outros parâmetros de acordo com a legislação Estadual para cada unidade.
Treatment adopted for situations in which substances are outside the parameters
When the results are outside the established goals or limits, the unit requests a reanalysis of the sample and, in case of confirmation, initiates a multidisciplinary investigation to find the root cause of the problem. After said identification, a structured action plan is defined to solve the problem, following the methodologies defined in each unit. All units have specific areas and are responsible for the operation and monitoring of water and effluent parameters.
Self-monitoring is also conducted periodically, which makes it possible to compare the results of third parties with the internal results. In case of a downward trend is identified in the efficiency or deviation from monitored parameters, the operational teams act immediately to identify and resolve the root cause.
Unit | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | ||||||||
Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | Goal for the year | Total areas | Areas of water stress | ||
Total water consumption | ML | 15,858.05 | 424.33 | 19,612.56 | 19.128,1204 | 535,2318 | 19.894,0750 | 19,391.4259 | 661.4963 | - | 16,219.6109 | 396.0779 |
Total freshwater consumption | ML | 15,858.05 | 424.33 | - | 19.128,1204 | 535,2318 | 19.894,0750 | 19,391.4259 | 661.4963 | - | 16,219.6109 | 396.0779 |
Other consumption | ML | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
23% | 67% |
Performance analysis for consumption
Klabin's water consumption (water withdrawn less water discharged) decreased by 17% between 2022 and 2023. This means that Klabin is reducing losses/consumption of water during the production process through projects that aim to optimize its use, including actions to reuse water and repurpose effluents.
In the units located in areas of water stress, which represented 0.8% of the total water withdrawn in 2023, there was a 21% reduction in water consumption as a result of actions taken to reduce losses during the production process and, consequently, of the increase in the water discharged in relation to the water withdrawn in the units.
Klabin's water consumption (water withdrawn minus water discarded) decreased by 4% between 2021 and 2022. This means that Klabin is reducing water losses/consumption during the production process through projects aimed at optimizing its use, including actions to reuse water and reuse effluents.
At the units located in water stress areas, which represented 1.1% of the total water collected in 2022, there was a 19% reduction in water consumption, due to actions taken to reduce losses during the production process and, consequently, of the increase in water discharged in relation to the water captured in the units.
Updated and verified on: 06/25/2022