Climate change - GRI Summary

  Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018  
Total emissions (direct + indirect) t CO2e 1,383,024.91 1,297,628.35 1,238,478.96 1,256,912.93 927,209.92 5%
Quantity produced t product 5,265,456.42 5,194,848.71 4,454,653.87 4,368,164.12   17%
Emission intensity (scope 1 + scope 2 + scope 3) kg CO2e/t prod. 262.66 249.79 278.02 287.74 218.93 -10%
Emission intensity (scope 1 + scope 2) kg CO2e/t prod. 147.94 154.71 164.77 185.33 178.68 -6%
Emission intensity (scope 1) kg CO2e/t prod. 146.98 150.88 158.00 163.43 157.95 -5%
Emission intensity (scope 2) kg CO2e/t prod. 0.95 3.83 6.77 21.90 20.73 -43%
Emission intensity (scope 3) kg CO2e/t prod. 114.72 95.08 102.56 102.41 40.25 -7%

Scope 1: in 2022 there was a 1.5% reduction in scope 1 emissions. It is possible to relate the result to the 7% increase in the share of renewable fuels in stationary combustion and the reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels and compounds nitrogenous in the implantation of the forests. There was a 7% increase in scope 1 biogenic emissions, due to the increase in the percentage of biomass and black liquor burning in the boilers. Considering the intensity, our specific emissions reduced from 155 to 148 kgCO2e/t.

Scope 2: in the same period, we achieved a 13% reduction in emissions related to energy purchased in the approach by location, compared to 2021, due to the change in the SIN emission factor. If we consider the purchase choice approach, our Scope 2 emissions amount to a 75% reduction. Of the energy purchased, 99.91% came from certified renewable sources.

Scope 3: we had a 3% increase in scope 3 emissions, mainly impacted by the acquisition of goods and services and the displacement of employees (home-work), whose emissions are now accounted for using primary data.

  Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total emission reduction t CO2e -24,735.76   - 18,433.97 - 58,645.66
Reduction of emissions (scope 1) t CO2e -9,857.63   - 10,055.42 - 40,608.03
Reduction of emissions (scope 2) t CO2e -14,878.13 - 10,238.39 - 17,905.59 - 18,037.63
Reduction of emissions (scope 2) t CO2e     9,527.04 -  

In 2022, there was a reduction of 9,857.63 tCO2eq in scope 1 emissions due to the decrease in fuel oil consumption at the Puma and Correia Pinto units. This result was possible thanks to the start of the biomass gasification operation in the first and bio-oil in the second. In addition, there was a 14,878.13 tCO2eq drop in scope 3 emissions due to the issuance of self-declarations and IRECs by Copel, certifying that the Company purchases energy from renewable sources.

Updated and verified on: 06/25/2022