Biodiversity - GRI Summary

Aspects Paraná Santa Catarina São Paulo
Size of the areas in km² 81.47km² 107.74 km² 7.06 km²
Location APP of farms under company management APP of farms under company management APP of farms under company management
Have restoration measures been approved by independent external professionals? Yes, third-party Casa da Floresta company Yes, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC) Yes, third-party Casa da Floresta company
Partnerships with third parties to protect or restore habitat areas distinct from where the organization has overseen and implemented restoration or protection measures Matas Legais program Matas Legais program --
Status of each area based on its condition at the end of the period covered by the report At different stages of recovery At different stages of recovery At different stages of recovery
Standards, methodologies, and assumptions used Control of invasive exotic species, conduction of natural regeneration and, occasionally, planting of native species seedlings Control of invasive exotic species, conduction of natural regeneration and, occasionally, planting of native species seedlings Control of invasive exotic species, conduction of natural regeneration and, occasionally, planting of native species seedlings

*The company's restoration areas follow the year's forestry operations, consequently the restoration areas in SC and PR increased due to the increase in forestry operations, in 2022.

Aspects Description of impacts
Construction or use of manufacturing plants, mines and transport infrastructure Rural roads must be built and maintained for the operationalization of the forestry activities. To that end, there are procedures that guide the best practices in order to mitigate the impacts resulting from this operation. In specific cases, these procedures are associated to environmental monitoring tools.
Pollution (introduction of substances that do not naturally occur in the habitat from point and non-point sources) Every year, a multidisciplinary team reviews the document of environmental aspects and impacts associated with forestry operations. This document contains mitigation actions related to the topic.
Introduction of invasive species, pests and pathogens We use exotic species for commercial plantations. Native species are used in plantations for area restoration. Dedicated teams are in charge of eliminating invasive exotic species from the permanent preservation areas and native vegetation.
Reduction of species Specialized consultants are hired to conduct periodic surveys of fauna and flora, aiming to identify any changes in the environment due to the adopted forest management. There were no negative changes in the evaluated parameters.
Habitat conversion Not applicable, except for cases of conversion from planted forests to environmental recovery areas. This activity may occur to restore ecological functions, maximize the positive impacts of ecological corridors and enhance water resource maintenance procedures.
Changes in ecological processes outside the natural range of variation (e.g. salinity or changes in groundwater level) The "hydrosolidarity" concept was implemented in the forestry unit in Paraná, and will also be applied to the units in Santa Catarina and São Paulo. This process considers a forest’s water consumption throughout its productive cycle to avoid negatively affecting neighboring river basins. In other words, water availability must be guaranteed for the surrounding forests, ecosystems, and communities.


Significant direct and indirect impacts, both positive and negative, in relation to:

Aspects Direct and indirect impacts
Species affected In the forest management scenario, native flora species can be negatively impacted due to competition for light and nutrients when exotic species invade native vegetation areas. Positive impacts include the connectivity of the forest fragments that contributes to the free movement of fauna.
Extent of areas impacted The forest area under Klabin's management totals approximately 625,000 hectares. Although it is susceptible to the impacts of the operation, its management is based on the forest mosaic concept that consists of pine and eucalyptus plantations intermingled with areas of preserved native forests. This concept guarantees the conservation of fauna, flora, soil, and water resources.
Duration of impacts Continuous
Reversibility or irreversibility of the impacts When a non-conformity is identified in the field, the operation is notified to provide the primary solutions, analysis of the incident and the need for review or design of an operational procedures.

Updated and verified on: 06/25/2022